For many years, Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē/ Ninety Mile Beach has nurtured us and our way of life. | Hei oranga mo Te Oneroa, hei oranga mo te tangata.
Now it is time we all take responsibility to protect and care for this sacred place, acknowledging the tangata whenua as kaitiaki, and ensuring Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē welcomes us for generations to come.
We want to ensure Te Oneroa-a-Tōhē/Ninety Mile Beach is managed in a way that ensures environmental, economic, social, cultural and spiritual wellbeing within the area, now and for the future.
Kia roa tō titiro pērā te hīkoi o Tōhe
Ngā Tūmanako | Vision
Let your lens be long like the pathway of Tōhe
Ngā Wawata | Desired Outcomes
Ngā hononga me te takutai
We are one with the beach
Ko tātou ngā Kaitiaki
Together we are Kaitiaki
Ko tātou ngā kaitiaki o te Ngahere me te Moana
Together we help look after the children of Tāne and Tangaroa
Nā Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe ngā rawa hei mahi oranga
We recognise that Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe can provide for our economic wellbeing
E pai ana to whakamahi i te takutai, engari me tiaki
We enjoy using the beach, but respect it
Me mahi tahi tātou
We work together
Me mōhio tātou ki te takutai
We understand the beach