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Sophie Doyle
Mauri ora ki a tātou katoa, ko Sophie Doyle tōku ingoa, he uri tēnei nō Ngāti Kahu me Te Rarawa Kaiwhare. I tupu ake au ki konei, i Muriwhenua.
I currently work at Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa, working in the Me He Wai team. Me He Wai is a kaupapa for our Wai Māori, we work across the rohe of Te Rarawa helping our 23 Marae whakarauora i ō rātou awa. I am and have always been passionate about the taiao, especially here in Te Tai Tokerau, which is why I got into mahi in the taiao space. Lastly, I look forward to this wānanga to learn and contribute where I can to this kaupapa, arā ko Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe.

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