Simon Brown
Tawhitirahi Te maunga
Awapoka Te awa
Parengarenga Te moana
Potahi Te Marae
Te Ahu Te kainga
Te Aupouri Te iwi
Simon Brown taku ingoa
I am a commercial mullet fisherman with over 30 years fishing Te oneroa a tohe. Last year we also became the first Maori spat harvesters to participate in this part of the industry
In terms of being on the ground my self and our whanau have not only worked commercially but as tangata Whenua Te Aupouri we have engaged as kaitiaki and also espoused our ahi kaa through utilising Te waka e haua to stay and my wife and I were also married here in 2008.
I believe I may be able to bring a lot of understanding of how Te oneroa a tohe has evolved through this period. I also have a post graduate degree in Maori business development with a focus on primary devolpment of our natural resources.