Kevin Robinson
Kevin has been involved in Māori development, at a hapu, iwi, regional, national, and international level. He has worked alongside whānau hapū and marae and with heads of departments and agencies. He has a wealth of knowledge and understanding of the needs and dilemma’s Māori face within both urban and rural communities. "It's all about building relationships, and from those relationships, creating a better future for our children". As the previous CEO for Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, Kevin helped shape forums who have massive potential to change the economic landscape of Te Tai Tokerau and looks forward to what Te Hiku Development Trust, a Treaty Settlement mechanism for Te Hiku Iwi, will achieve in the coming years. Kevin has continued to stay active as the Chair of Te Kawai Taumata, Te Hiku Fisheries Forum, and his beloved marae, Motutī.
“Take care of our children. Take care of what they hear, take care of what they see, take care of what they feel. For how the children grow, so will be the shape of Aotearoa” Dame Whina Cooper – Fearless and Unforgettable.