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George Riley

I grew up as part of a fishing whanau in the Bay of Islands and a healthy marine ecology is very important to me. In 1987 my wife moved home to Kaitaia and I obediently followed her instructions. That resulted in fourteen years teaching mathematics and science at Kaitaia College. After that stint my history with Te Oneroa a Tohe includes five years as a Fisheries Surveillance Officer and a further three years working with the Te Hiku Iwi in the 1992 Fisheries Claims Deed of Settlement Implementation Programme. Part of that role was to support the establishment of the Te Hiku O Te Ika Regional Fisheries Forum with an emphasis on the Customary rights replacements i.e. rohe moana and maataitai - commercial exclusion reserves. From 2008 - 2013 I undertook several roles at Te Runanga a Iwi O Ngapuhi covering Hapu Development, Matauranga/Research, Policy Development and Resource Management. Then spent five years at Northland Inc - Economic Development agency before taking a General Managers role at Te Rarawa Anga Mua. Currently I am privileged to work as the CEO at Te Runanga O Te Rarawa.

George Riley
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