Ana Bercich
Ko Tarakeha te maunga
Ko Moetangi te awa
Ko Matihetihe te marae
Ko Tu Moana te whare Tupuna
Ko Te Tao Maui, Te Hokokeha nga hapu
No Mitimiti ahau.
Our marae trust successfully applied to MPI Customary Fisheries Fund to undertake surveys of toheroa beds on Mitimiti beach. The primary reasons were to ascertain whether pine plantations affected populations and secondly, train kaitiaki using recognised methods.
We asked Dr Phil Ross to assist us with the training, data recording and analysis. We intend to track the thirty year growth of recently planted pine and affects these may have on toheroa populations at one bed in particular and monitor/survey other beds. We are developing a monitoring programme based on existing and new matauranga. Many questions have arisen during the course of the surveys and we intend to explore these going forward. We now have fifteen fully trained kaitiaki including tamariki from Te Kura A Iwi o Matihetihe.