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Abraham Witana

I have proven experience in local government, central government and iwi governance structures. The roles and positions I have had over the past 20 years have been to influence and enable strategic oversight that supports change management, building organisational capacity to uphold, support and retain the rights and interests of Māori, in an ever-changing environment and future, that is innovative, effective and efficient that meets the current and aspires the future needs of the whanau, hapu, Iwi and the people of Aotearoa.

My mission is “To ensure opportunities are provided for maori potential to succeed and grow, integrating our cultures to sustain our people and the future of our nation”.

• Enabling research, development and education for developing Māori interests

• Promoting the protection and enhancement of our natural environment

• Promoting the establishment of effective Māori resource management systems

• Identification and utilisation of resources that benefit Māori rights and interests.

• Supporting the development of Māori capacity in managing our environment

Abraham  Witana
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