He aha te tirohanga ā mua
o Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe?
What’s the future for
Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe /
Ninety Mile Beach?
Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe / Ninety Mile Beach is our place of play and recreation, natural peace and beauty, history, seafood gathering and unique native environments. Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board has developed a plan for the beach, to help manage and protect this precious taonga for current and future generations.
Beach Management Plan
Thank you to everyone who contributed to early engagement, development of the draft plan, attended formal consultation events, or submitted feedback (written or verbal) to the consultation process.
The final plan was approved at the December 2020 Board meeting and can be viewed by clicking on the button below.
Te Mana ki te Whenua
E mihi kau ana ki ngā iwi katoa o Te Hiku o Te Ika, e tātaihia ana ki Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe. Na koutou anō i tuku whakaaro mai ki Te Poari kia pakari tonu te tāpapa kōrero mo te one nei. Nā te whirinakitanga o te kōrero me nga ture, ka whai kiko te korowai manaaki, hei oranga āno mo te takutaimoana e hora nei.
Haami Piripi
Te Oneroa-a-Tōhe Board Chair